“Safe space” has become the current buzz word that is being
applied to everything from intimate gatherings to public events.
There are ads for meetings for Black men that promise a
safe space while also sharing a publicly available Zoom link.
The reality is that it is not really a safe space when you don’t
know who is lurking in the background because the meeting
was actually open to anyone with the Zoom link.
Do Black men really have safe spaces?
There are some Black men who are afraid
to share their suicidal thoughts, true sexuality,
or other deep, dark secrets with a group of
Black men because they feel they will be
ridiculed, judged or ostracized.
There are some Black men who believe
they know everything about their
friend, frat brother, or relative
because they have known them
for so many years. But they don’t.
Do you have safe spaces?
A safe space that will allow you
to share who you really are?
A safe space that will support
you as you strive to become
who you really want to be?
A safe space that makes you
feel secure enough to share
your deepest secrets?
A safe space to be vulnerable?
The Sid Center’s Black Men Healing Circles
are real safe spaces designed exclusively
for Black men.
Although the members are Black men
from various backgrounds and age groups,
they find the synergy and support they need
because they are all there for the same purpose…
to focus on their healing and self-care.
It is crucial to your well-being to have safe spaces.
Do you have a safe space?