Are Black Males An Endangered Species?
I had a discussion about this topic a few years ago with
a Black male educator due to current events at that time.
We also discussed the fact that this has been a
recurrent topic due to current events for decades.
We are well aware of some of the factors that are
a threat to the existence of Black males, such as:
systemic racism, heart disease and Black-on-Black Homicide.
More importantly, what are we doing to minimize these threats
to improve the lives of Black males?
To heal Black men is to heal our past, present and future.
The Sid Center is hosting a special free Black Men Healing Circle
Fireside Chat to help facilitate the healing that is necessary to
improve the lives of Black males.
The topic is: Are Black Males An Endangered Species?
Some of the solutions we will discuss include:
How to increase the lifespan of Black males.
How to improve the life outcomes of Black men and boys.
How to decrease the Black-on-Black Homicide rates that
are affecting Black men and boys.
This event will be held in Atlanta, GA on February 23, 2023.
Click here to register.